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HEXRDGUI may be installed through several different methods:


Requires Python 3.11

Conda Environment

For any conda installation, it is highly recommended that you use separate conda environments for separate applications. This is because different applications in the same environment may break each others' installation.

For HEXRDGUI, the first step, then, would be to create and activate a conda environment, like so:

conda create -n hexrdgui
conda activate hexrdgui

You should see a (hexrdgui) near the start of your terminal when the hexrdgui conda environment is active. Only install hexrd and hexrdgui into this conda environment (along with their dependencies). Do not install other packages. You may deactivate the hexrdgui conda environment by running conda deactivate. Notice that after you do this, (hexrdgui) should no longer appear near the start of your terminal.

Any time you open a new terminal/console, and you wish to run hexrdgui, you must run conda activate hexrdgui first in order to activate the environment. Look for the (hexrdgui) at the start of your terminal to see if it is active.

Mamba Solver

Conda has a sophisticated system for determining which versions of dependencies to install so that all dependencies are compatible with one another. However, the default conda dependency solver can be very slow. For HEXRDGUI installations, we have often seen the default solver take a long time, and we have sometimes even witnessed the solver run indefinitely without ever finishing. This would make HEXRDGUI impossible to install!

Fortunately, conda officially supports another solver: the libmamba solver, which is the solver used by mamba.

Installing and setting up this solver will typically make your conda install and conda update commands significantly faster. If you do not have the libmamba solver installed in your base conda environment, start with this command:

conda install -n base -c conda-forge conda-libmamba-solver

Next, while your HEXRDGUI conda environment is active, run the following command to use the libmamba solver in that environment:

conda config --env --set solver libmamba

If you wish to use libmamba in all of your environments (not just your HEXRDGUI environment), remove the --env part.

Now, all of your conda install and conda update commands should run significantly faster!


To install the latest stable release, run the following command:

conda install -c hexrd -c conda-forge python=3.11 hexrdgui

Updating the release

If you already have an environment with a release installed, and you wish to update to the latest release, run the following command:

conda update -c hexrd -c conda-forge hexrd hexrdgui

This will update both hexrd and hexrdgui to the latest release.


To install the latest changes on master, run the following:

conda install -c hexrd/label/prerelease -c conda-forge python=3.11 hexrdgui

Note that the prerelease may be unstable.

Updating the prerelease

If you already have an environment with a prerelease installed, and you wish to update to the latest prerelease, run the following command:

conda update -c hexrd/label/prerelease -c conda-forge hexrd hexrdgui

This will update both hexrd and hexrdgui to the latest prerelease.


For conda installs, HEXRDGUI may be launched by typing:


See hexrdgui --help for some command line options.

Binary Packages

Binary packages for Windows, Mac, and Linux can be found in the "Assets" attached to most of the main releases.

Binary installs are native applications, and they are started on double-click.


Requires Python 3.11

First clone the Git repositories:

git clone
git clone


Ensure that Python 3.11 is installed in your environment. If it is not, run the following command:

conda install -c conda-forge python=3.11

Next, install the dependencies using the prerelease conda package:

conda install -c hexrd/label/prerelease -c conda-forge hexrdgui

Finally, from the directory containing the hexrd and hexrdgui git repositories, use pip to link into the environment for development:

pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps -U -e hexrd
pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps -U -e hexrdgui

If you are running in Windows PowerShell or other environments where the stdout and stderr is not appearing in the console, you can run the Python module directly via python hexrdgui/hexrd/ui/ You should then see stdout and stderr.


Ensure the Git repositories are cloned. Then, install in editable mode with pip by running the following commands:

pip install -e hexrd
pip install -e hexrdgui

This should also automatically install all dependencies from PyPI.


Packages are built for every PR push, merge into master, or tag push. They are built using GitHub Actions.

The following packages are uploaded as artifacts:

  • HEXRDGUI-Linux-<version>.tar.bz2 - The Linux conda package.
  • HEXRDGUI-MacOSX-<version>.tar.bz2 - The MacOSX conda package.
  • HEXRDGUI-Windows-<version>.tar.bz2 - The Windows conda package.
  • HEXRDGUI-<version>.tar.gz - The Linux package (tarball).
  • HEXRDGUI-<version>.dmg - The MacOS package (DMG).
  • HEXRDGUI-<version>.msi - The Windows package (MSI).
  • HEXRDGUI-<version>.zip - The Windows package (zip).

Note: That the packages on MacOS and Windows are not signed.