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Welcome to the HEXRDGUI documentation!

HEXRDGUI Summary Image

HEXRDGUI is a cross-platform open source application for analyzing and visualizing X-ray diffraction image data. Build upon the Highly Extensible X-Ray Diffraction (HEXRD) Python library along with several scientific Python libraries, HEXRDGUI provides many interactive workflows for visualizing and processing diffraction images using the generic multi-detector instrument model in HEXRD.

Getting Started

Visit the Installing page for instructions on installing HEXRDGUI. Once installed, visit the pages on:


The HEXRDGUI project was founded by Joel V. Bernier at LLNL and Paul Shade at AFRL along with Patrick Avery, Brianna Major, Chris Harris, and Marcus Hanwell at Kitware.

HEXRDGUI has had many contributors over the years, including but not limited to:

HEXRDGUI has been generously funded through subcontracts with UDRI and LLNL.

Contributions are welcome through the main GitHub project page.

The GitHub page offers a more complete list of contributors, releases, issue tracking, and more.