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Image Loading

Quick Load

The image quick load option is great for rapidly loading images that have already been processed or for loading images that you would like to preview before processing them. Simply go to File->Open->Images.

Quick Load Open Images

Once you have selected the image(s) you would like to load you will be presented with a second dialog where you can:

  1. Confirm that correct image has been matched to the correct detector
  2. Apply transforms to an image if needed

Image Confirmation Dialog

File Pattern Matching

Did you know that you don't have to select each file that you need? Of course you are welcome to, but let's say that you have either one of the following directory structures:


If you have detector_1, detector_2, detector_3 and detector_4, and you select just one of the files (such as the raw_image_detector_2.tiff file), the remaining files can be inferred and automatically populated. Ex:

              SELECTED                        AUTOMATICALLY ADDED
                                   -> all_dets/raw_image_detector_1.tiff
all_dets/raw_image_detector_2.tiff -> all_dets/raw_image_detector_3.tiff
                                   -> all_dets/raw_image_detector_4.tiff

                                   -> det1/raw_image_detector_1.tiff
det2/raw_image_detector_2.tiff     -> det3/raw_image_detector_3.tiff
                                   -> det4/raw_image_detector_4.tiff

If you have images that need to be pre-processed as a part of the HEDM worflow, see Simple Image Series or Image Stack. For the LLNL workflow see the LLNL Import Tool.

Simple Image Series

The Simple Image Series dialog is designed to support pre-processing steps like image aggregation, transforms, dark background subtraction, toggling frame order, and setting omega ranges. To get started, open the dialog from the import menu: File->Import->Simple Image Series.

Open Simple Image Series Dialog

Once the import tool has opened you have the option to dock it in the main window or allow it to remain as a standalone dialog.

Dock Simple Image Series

File Reader

Use the Select Image Files to select the image(s) you need to load. See the file pattern matching section for more information on how images can be selected. The order of the frames for multi-frame images can be reversed by toggling the Reverse Frame Order option at any point before selecting Read Files or OK.

Multi-frame images can be aggregated into a single image by either using the maximum, median or average over all of the frames. This option is disabled for single-frame images. For longer running aggregation functions, a progress bar will be displayed as the calculations are performed.

Note: the unaggregated images are still kept internally and used where needed, such as in the HEDM workflow.

Aggregate Image Series

Transforms can also be applied to any or all of the detectors if they need it. Simply select the transform that you need from the drop-down menu. Apply multiple transforms in a row to combine them or apply None to revert any changes you've made.

Transform Image Series

Transforms can be applied on a detector-by-detector basis or across all detectors at once. Toggle Apply Selections to All Detectors on to use the current setting for all detectors. Toggle the option off to set transforms per detector and use the Detector drop-down menu to select which detector you are applying the transform to.

Transforms Per Detector

The Dark Mode can be used to create or load an image that will be subtracted from the image series. You can subtract the median/maximum/average aggregate image, the empty frames (discussed below), or data from a specified file. If the File option is selected the Select Dark File button will be enabled and you can select the file that you would like to use.

Dark Mode Selection

Note: As you progress you can use the Read Files button to apply and load the changes that you've made without closing the dialog and losing any of your current settings.

Multiframe Options

The image files selected earlier will be described in the Multiframe Options section of the dialog where you will find a table of all image files associated with the currently selected detector. Additionally you will find metadata used for reading in the file(s): Empty Frames, Total Frames, Omega Start, Omega Stop, and Steps. Some of these options are editable.

  • Empty Frames: This value determines how many frames from the beginning of the image series to ignore. Changing this value will affect the Steps value.
  • Total Frames: The total number of frames associated with the image file. This value is pulled from the image file directly and cannot be changed. This value only reflects the orignal total frames, not neccessarily how many frames will actually be used.
  • Omega Start: The start value of the omega wedge, which is a continuous range of evenly spaced omega values. The total omega range (stop - start) cannot be more than 360 degrees.
  • Omega Stop: The stop value of the omega wedge. The total omega range (stop - start) cannot be more than 360 degrees.
  • Steps: The number of steps in the wedge. This value is automatically computed from the omega range and the number of frames to be used (total - empty).

Note: In the Simple Image Series dialog, only one omega "wedge" can be set per file and the range will automatically be divided evenly and set per frame. Omega values set in this table are applied across all detectors. If you have some gaps in omega values and thus need more control over the omega wedges please see the Image Stack tool.

When an unaggregated image series is loaded, the omega range for each frame will be indicated at the bottom of the main window.

Omega Range Per Frame

If you change the metadata, but you do not need to re-load the images because no pre-processing was changed, you can simply apply updates with the Update Image Data button.

Information Panel

Update Image Data

The Information panel at the very bottom of the tool will show the path to the parent directory containing the image(s) you've selected, as well as the path to the file used for dark background subtraction if one was loaded in.

Information Panel

Note: Using the OK button will load the images and update the metadata just like the Read Files button that is located in the File Reader section at the top. The only difference is that if the dialog is not docked it will close after OK is pressed. The last used options will be remembered either way (until a new instrument config is loaded).

Image Stack

The Image Stack tool is designed to support loading images in cases where there are multiple (or "stacks") of images that need to be associated with each detector. To get started, open the dialog from the import menu: File->Import->Image Stack.

Open Image Stack Dialog

Once the import tool has opened you have the option to dock it in the GUI or allow it to remain as a standalone dialog.

Dock Image Stack


If you would like to set the working directory (i.e. the directory all of your images will be found in) for all of the detectors at once select the All Detectors option, or to set the directory for each detector one-by-one select Single Detector.

If you select All Detectors you will see that you are prompted to enter a regex search pattern which can either be an absolute (the path from the root directory) or relative (the path relative to your current directory) path to the parent directory. The parent directory should either contain all of the images for all of the detectors or all of the subdirectories that contain all of the images for all of the detectors. See the File Pattern Matching section for more information about the expected directory structures.

When you press Search either the text box at the bottom will be populated with the path that was found or there will be an error dialog if the path could not be resolved.

Image Stack All Detectors

Tip: Not sure what directory you're starting in? Press Search with an empty search pattern and the path will be updated with the absolute path of your current working directory!

Image Stack Current Path

If all of your images are not in a single directory or sibling directories you can set each detector individually. Select Single Detector and then use the drop-down menu to select each detector and set its directory.

Image Stack Single Detector


File selection can also be performed either per-detector or for all detectors at once.

When selecting files for all detectors at once you must select Search and use a regex search pattern like in the detector directory section. The pattern will be applied to all directories that have been selected for the detectors and the matches will be used to update the form summary information.

Find Files For All Detectors

When selecting files per-detector you can also use a regex pattern (as with selecting files for all detectors), but you must deselect the Apply to All checkbox. You can also manually select files by selecting Manual Selection and using the Select Files button to open a file browsers. You will need to toggle the current detector in the Detector group to continue selecting files.

Find Files Per Detector

The Matching Files Found will reflect the number of files that were found for each detector after selecting Search or manually selecting files. You can also switch to the Files Found tab to see exactly which files are being associated with each detector as well as the number of frames for each file.

Note: There is currently an expectation that all equivalent files for each detector will contain the same number of frames. If this expectation is not met there will be errors. For example: if image_1 for detector_1 has 10 frames, all other images for detector_1 through detector_n must also have 10 frames. Each detector is also expected to have the same number of images.

Files Founds Tab

To start over with your file selection simply select Clear Selections.


There may be frames that need to be discarded for various reasons, and the Frames group has inputs that allow frames to be trimmed.

  • Empty Frames: This value represents the number of frames from the begining of each image to discard. For example, if you have three files with ten frames each and Empty Frames is set to 2, the last 8 frames of each image will be used for a total of 24 frames.

  • Max File Frames: This value represents the max number of frames from each image to use. For example, if you have three files with ten frames each and Max File Frames is set to 8, the first 8 frames of image_1, the first 8 frames of image_2 and the first 8 frames of image_3 will be used for a total of 24 frames. If each image had 8 or less frames nothing would be changed.

  • Max Total Frames: This value represents the number of frames from the end of the image series to discard. For example, if you have three files with ten frames each and Max Total Frames is set to 25, all 10 frames from image_1 and image_2 will be used, but only the last 5 frames from image_3 will be used. There will be a total of 25 frames in the image series.

  • Total Frames: This is a read-only value that represents the total number of frames in the image series to given the Empty Frames, Max File Frames, and Max Total Frames values.

  • Reverse Frame Order: The checkbox allows you to reverse the order that the frames are read in. With this option selected the Empty Frames will trim the first frames of image_3 instead of image_1 and the Max Total Frames will trim the last frames of image_1 instead of image_3.

Note: A value of 0 for any of the frame inputs simply means to ignore that field, so if all three are set to 0 all frames will be used.

Frames Inputs


The omega values for an image series can be set a few different ways: automatically, manually with the input form, or by loading a .npy file.

If No Omega Data is selected this data is still set, but it will just be automatically computed based on the number of frames for the full [0, 360] degree range. For example, an image series with 30 frames would have a wedge of 12 degrees sequentially assigned to each frame.

If Add Omega Data is selected and Load from File is selected you will be able to use the Select File button to select a .npy file to load. The file should consist of an array of wedge arrays. Each wedge array should have three values: start, stop, and steps.

Once the file has been loaded the table will be populated with the values so that you can confirm that everything is correct. The table will remain in a read-only state while the Load from File option remains checked, however.

Load Omega File

If Add Omega Data is selected and Load from File is not selected you will be provided a table that you can add omega wedges to. For each wedge you must provide the start, stop, and steps values.

Whether loading from file or manually entering the wedges by hand the expected values are the same. The start and stop values represent the range of the wedge and the steps value represents the number of frames (steps) in that wedge. The total of all of the steps must match the Total Frames displayed in the Frames section.

Manually Enter Omega

Once the entire form has been completed you can press OK and the Simple Image Series dialog will be launched to complete the import!

LLNL Import Tool

The LLNL workflow has its own import tool designed to allow one or more images to be loaded, transformed, and cropped before loading them into the GUI for analysis. To get started, launch the tool by going to File->Import->LLNL Import Tool.

LLNL Import Menu Option

Once the import tool has opened, you have the option to dock it in the GUI or allow it to remain as a standalone dialog.

Dock LLNL Import Tool

Instrument Configuration

To begin, select the instrument you will be using, and then select an instrument configuration. This configuration will need to include information about all of the expected detectors for the selected instrument. See examples for TARDIS and PXRDIP.

Note: you may skip detectors for which you do not have data

LLNL Instrument and Config Selection

You'll notice that there are a few options for how to load a config:

  1. Current Configuration: This will used the current instrument config
  2. Load Configuration: If selected, you may then either use the default configuration file that we provide or load your own. Uncheck the Default box to load your own configuration.

If you are unsure what to use, try the default config. For more information on configuration files see the instrument section of the docs.

Raw Image

Once the instrument and configuration have been selected the Raw Image portion of the form will be enabled and the list of available detectors will be populated. The detector selected from the drop-down menu will determine which template will be added to the image, as well as what default transform is suggested when the image is loaded. Use the Select Image button to load an image.

LLNL Image Load With Deafult Transform

If there is a default transform associated with the current instrument or selected detector, this will automatically be set in the load image dialog. This can still be changed either on load or in the import tool after the image is loaded.

Once the image is loaded, the template will be added, and you will be able to translate it or rotate it until it is positioned over the image. Once everything looks good, you can accept this by clicking the Save detector boundary button.

Manipulate LLNL Template Position

Depending on the instrument you are using, you will then follow one of two patterns for the remaining detectors:

  1. Single Image: Instruments like PXRDIP and BBXRD have a single image with multiple detectors that will be cropped. In cases like these you can simply select a new detector from the drop-down menu and that template will be applied. As each boundary is accepted the dashed lines will remain so that it is clear what has already been cropped.
  2. Multi-Image: Instruments like TARDIS have an image per detector. For these cases, the next detector should be chosen before the next image is loaded (although it is not neccessary, that can still be changed after) and the new template will not be applied until that new image is loaded.

For either path, toggling the selected detector before clicking Save detector boundary will just change the current template.

Note: For TARDIS Image Plate 3, the full boundary of the plate is displayed during interaction in order to make it easier to align, but after it is saved you will see the boundary shrink. This is cropping off unusable data at the edges.


Edit Detector Outline

Depending on the image or current color map, the default style settings for the template may make it hard to see, or you may want to differentiate between multiple detectors with different boundaries. For these needs there is the option to change the color, line style and thickness.

Template Style Options

For the PXRDIP instrument the bounding box inputs will also be enabled. There is sometimes a need to edit the exact size of these templates and these inputs allow for that. At the moment this only applies to PXRDIP and only allows the boundaries to be made smaller than the defaults.

Finalize Instrument

Each time that a template is saved its name is added to the Finalize Instrument section and the option to Complete and Reload Instrument is enabled.

Finalize LLNL Instrument Information

At any point in the workflow you can use the Cancel LLNL Import to clear the progress you've made and return everything to its defaults. This is the only way to re-enable instrument selection once the first image has been loaded.

If everything seems correct you can select Complete and Reload Instrument. This will crop all of the images as well as build a new configuration with updated row and column sizes as well as tilt values (if appropriate). The configuration that you selected at the very beginning will be used for this step and will just be updated internally where necessary. This new configuration as well as the newly cropped images will all be loaded into the GUI.

LLNL Save and Reload

Note: This does not modify your original configuration file. You can save this new config through File->Save->Configuration and the images through File->Save->Images, or you can save everything as a state file with File->Save->State. For more detailed information on state files see the doc here.